First Advisory Board Meeting

We successfully ran the first Advisory Board Meeting on 1st March 2021 online. We would like to thank all AB members who participated in this meeting and for their valuable contributions! We saw many interesting presentations there and would like to keep this momentum in the future.

AB memebers to joined the meeting:

  • Aitex (IT)
  • Comesvil (IT)
  • European Union Agency for Railways – ERA (EU)
  • Hitachi Rail STS (IT)
  • Netherlands Railways (NL)
  • NextTechnologies Ltd. (HU)
  • ProRAIL (NL)

Media: Article about RAILS published on ERCIM News

We have an article about the RAILS project published on ERCIM News, the magazine of ERCIM (The European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics) that reports on joint actions of the ERCIM partners, and aims to reflect the contribution made by ERCIM to the European Community in Information Technology.

You can find the full article (“Roadmaps for AI Integration in the Rail Sector – RAILS”) here:

News: The project kick-off meeting

The project kick-off meeting took place on 30th January 2020 at CINI, Naples, Italy. 22 people coming from 5 different countries (Italy, Netherlands, UK, Sweden, Hungary) participated in the meeting and related social events, including representatives from the host organization, project partners and industry advisory board members.


IT: CINI, NL: TU Delft, SE: Linnaeus, UK: Leeds


IT: Comesvil, Hitachi Rail STS, the MathWorks, Syenmaint

HU: NextTechnologies