Latest project dissemination: article on Global Railway Review, poster at Big Data Conference, presentation at Europe’s Rails Innovation Days, and more

We are glad to report on the latest project dissemination events, including an article published on Global Railway Review (link below), a poster on “Dataset Challenges in Railway Machine Learning Applications” (see picture below) presented at the LNU Big Data Conference 2022, project status presentation at Europe’s Rail Innovation Days, and a research seminar given at Linnaeus University, where project-funded PhD student Lorenzo De Donato is currently spending a visiting period.

Towards ‘Roadmaps for AI Integration in the Rail Sector’


AI4RAILS 2022: keynote announcement

The program of AI4RAILS 2022 is now out !

The workshop will be held on September 12, 2022 in Zaragoza (Spain).

The program includes a keynote on Artificial intelligence, case of the railway sector: state of play and perspectives from Christian Chavanel, Director of the Rail System Department at International Union of Railways (UIC).

AI4RAILS 2022 is colocated with the EDCC 2022 conference.

Information regarding workshop registration and conference logistics may be found on the EDCC 2022 web site.